Bioacoustics Research Group

About us

We are a group of researchers who investigate animal communication, in particular through sound, and how we can use their calls to inform our knowledge of their presence and behaviour for conservation, monitoring, and cognition. To that end, we have a number of projects that look at using animal calls to find the callers, monitor their presence in different habitats, and explore what they may be saying to each other.

Our workhorse is the CARACAL acoustic recorder, developed by the WildCRU team at Oxford University. A versatile and powerful testbed, the CARACAL has on-board GPS time synchronization (for triangulation), an array of multiple microphones (to measure the direction of the sound source), automatic detection of target sounds, and radio communication for reporting detections.

Research Focus

At the Bioacoustics Research Group we focus on acoustic localization of wildlife and automatic species detection through bioacoustics.

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