
Core Peer Reviewed Publications

  • Not afraid of the big bad wolf: Calls from large predators do not silence mesopredators

    H Root‐Gutteridge, BR Smith, A Kershenbaum, H Butkiewicz, AC Fontaine, JL Owens, L Schindler, A Dassow

    Wildlife Biology (2024), e01226

  • Combining acoustic localization and high-resolution land cover classification to study predator vocalization behaviour

    E Bru, BR Smith, H Butkiewicz, AC Fontaine, A Dassow, JL Owens, H Root-Gutteridge, L Schindler, A Kershenbaum

    Wildlife Research (2023), 50 (12), 965-979

  • Acoustic localisation of wildlife with low-cost equipment: lower sensitivity, but no loss of precision Item

    BR Smith, H Root-Gutteridge, H Butkiewicz, A Dassow, AC Fontaine, A Markham, JL Owens, L Schindler, M Wijers, Arik Kershenbaum

    Wildlife Research (2021) 49 (4), 372-381

  • Tracking cryptic animals using multilateration: A system for long range wolf detection

    A Kershenbaum, JL Owens, S Waller

    The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2019), 145 (3), 1619-1628

  • Disentangling canid howls across multiple species and subspecies: Structure in a complex communication channel

    A Kershenbaun, H Root-Gutteridge, B Habib, J Koler-Matnick, B Mitchell, V Palacios, S Waller

    Behavioural Processes (2016), vol. 124, pp. 149-157

Popular science books

  • Why Animals Talk: The New Science of Animal Communication

    Arik Kershenbaum

    Penguin, 2024

  • The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy: What Animals on Earth Reveal about Aliens--and Ourselves

    A Kershenbaum

    Penguin, 2021

Selected additional scientific publications

  • A multifaceted framework to establish the presence of meaning in non‐human communication

    J Amphaeris, DT Blumstein, G Shannon, T Tenbrink, A Kershenbaum

    Biological Reviews (2023) 98 (6), 1887-1909

  • Genetic distance from wolves affects family dogs’ reactions towards howls

    F Lehoczki, A Andics, A Kershenbaum, E Kubinyi, D Passilongo, H Root-Gutteridge, F Range, V Palacios Sanchez, L Schmidt, SW Townsend, SK Watson, T Farago

    Communications Biology (2023) 6 (1), 129

  • A collection of best practices for the collection and analysis of bioacoustic data

    J Oswald, AM Van Cise, A Dassow, T Elliott, MT. Johnson, A Ravignani, J Podos. Applied Sciences 12, no. 23 (2022): 12046.

  • Bioacoustic Detection of Wolves: Identifying Subspecies and Individuals by Howls

    HL Larsen, C Pertoldi, N Madsen, E Randi, A Vik Stronen, H Root-Gutteridge, S Pagh

    Animals (2022), 12(5), 631.

  • Shannon entropy as a robust estimator of Zipf's Law in animal vocal communication repertoires

    A Kershenbaum, V Demartsev, DE Gammon, E Geffen, MLGustison, A Ilany, AR Lameira

    Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2021) 12 (3), 553-564

  • Identifying unknown Indian wolves by their distinctive howls: its potential as a non-invasive survey method

    S Sahukhan, H Root-Gutteridge, B Habib

    Scientific Reports (2021), 11, article number 7309.

  • The ecological effects of livestock guarding dogs (LGDs) on target and non-target wildlife

    BR Smith, RW. Yarnell, A Uzal, and K Whitehouse-Tedd

    Journal of Vertebrate Biology (2020) 69, no. 3: 20103-1.

  • Acoustic Identification of Wild Gray Wolves, Canis lupus, Using Low Quality Recordings.

    C Hull, CM McCombe, A Dassow. American Journal of Undergraduate Research 16, no. 4 (2020).

  • A lifetime of changing calls: North Atlantic right whales, Eubalaena glacial, refine call production as they age

    H Root-Gutteridge, DA Cusano, Yu Shiu, DP Nowacek, SM Van Parijs, SE Parks

    Animal Behaviour (2018), 137, pp. 21-34.

  • Measuring acoustic complexity in continuously varying signals: how complex is a wolf howl?

    Arik Kershenbaum, Éloïse C Déaux, Bilal Habib, Brian Mitchell, Vicente Palacios, Holly Root-Gutteridge, Sara Waller

    Bioacoustics 27, no. 3 (2018): 215-229.

  • Howl variation across Himalayan, North African, Indian, and Holarctic wolf clades: Tracing divergence in the world's oldest lineages using acoustics

    L Hennelly, B Habib, H Root-Gutteridge, V Palacios, D Passilongo

    Current Zoology (2017), 63(3): 341-348

  • Calls of North Atlantic right whales Eubalaena glacialis contain information on individual identity and age class

    JA McCordic, H Root-Gutteridge, DA Cusano, SL Denes, SE Parks

    Endangered Species Research (2016) 30:156-169.

  • Acoustic sequences in non‐human animals: a tutorial review and prospectus

    Kershenbaum, Arik, Daniel T. Blumstein, Marie A. Roch, Çağlar Akçay, Gregory Backus, Mark A. Bee, Kirsten Bohn et al.

    Biological Reviews 91, no. 1 (2016): 13-52.

  • Improving individual identification in captive Eastern grey wolves (Canis lupus lycaon) using the time course of howl amplitudes

    H Root-Gutteridge, M Bencsik, M Chebli, LK Gentle, C Terrell-Nield, A Bourit, RW Yarnell

    Bioacoustics (2014), 23(1), 39–54.

  • Identifying individual wild Eastern grey wolves (Canis lupus lycaon) using fundamental frequency and amplitude of howls

    H Root-Gutteridge, M Bencsik, M Chebli, LK Gentle, C Terrell-Nield, A Bourit, RW Yarnell

    Bioacoustics (2014), 23(1), 55–66.

  • Animal vocal sequences: not the Markov chains we thought they were

    A Kershenbaum, AE Bowles, TM Freeberg, DZ Jin, AR Lameira, K Bohn

    Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1792), 20141370

  • The encoding of individual identity in dolphin signature whistles: How much information is needed?

    A Kershenbaum, LS Sayigh, VM Janik

    PloS One (2013) 8 (10), e77671

  • Syntactic structure and geographical dialects in the songs of male rock hyraxes

    A Kershenbaum, A Ilany, L Blaustein, E Geffen

    Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2012)